- Ghost Hell Unveiled: Guess what? I finally typed “The End” on the first draft of “Ghost Hell”! Cue the happy dance and a virtual high-five to all of you for being my writing cheerleaders. Ghost Hell is book four of the Shades of Meaning series and I can’t wait to spill some beans about the spooky twists and turns in this one.
- NaNoWriMo Adventures: So, November happened, and I decided to dive head-first into the craziness that is NaNoWriMo. I survived, folks! It was a wild ride of caffeinated nights, stubborn characters, and the occasional existential crisis. But hey, I emerged on the other side with a Ghost Hell manuscript that’s begging for some tender loving edits.
- Okay, let’s talk personal stuff. My hair? It’s officially on the “needs cutting” list. If it starts writing its own chapters, we’ve got a problem.
- My pooch? Convinced I’ve pulled a Houdini and left her for good. I come back from writing sessions to a mix of judgement and ecstatic tail-wagging. It’s like living with a triumphant mountain rescue dog. All she needs is a cask of brandy around her neck!
- Family? They’re on a mission to solve the mystery of my whereabouts. Emigrated? Nope, just buried under a pile of notebooks and coffee cups.
- As I reflect on these past months, I’m buzzing with excitement for what’s next. A haircut is on the immediate agenda, and beyond that, there are more stories, more adventures, and more shared moments awaiting us.